Nyctalus noctula Nnoc

In the open: QCF at 20 kHz or just below, steady frequency with ilterval around 0.5 s, duration above 20 ms.
Active hunting: Altering Emax between 20 and 30 kHz. Call interval around 300 ms, but very variable.


NnocM00088, 150802 01:14:06 Lillehem, SWEREF99: N:6181827 E:442816 Google Earth


NnocM00536, 130919 21:53:22 Lillehem, SWEREF99: N:6181827 E:442816 Google Earth

In the open the calls are of QCF-type. If they are under 20 kHz and longer than 20 ms, the identification is certain. In this case there actually is some clutter near the bat.


NnocREC00027,110630 00:02:15, Lillehem, SWEREF99: N:6181827 E:442816 Google Earth

Same as the above.

Sometimes it is hard to measure the call duration. The echo cloud can interfere with the original call when the bat flies not too far from vegetation. But in this case the duration is clear above 20 ms. Emac 18-19 kHz.


NnocM00220,130829 05:37:53, Lillehem, SWEREF99: N:6181827 E:442816 Google Earth

Social call:

NnocREC00053, 110812 22:46:42, Allarps bjär, SWEREF99: N:6206507 E:401558 Google Earth